Cute Flower Paper

Cute Flower Paper

The flower is the reproductive structure characteristic of flowering plants called espermatofitas or. The function of a flower is to produce seeds through sexual reproduction. For plants, seeds are the next generation, and serve as the primary means through which species are perpetuated and spread.

All espermatofitas have flowers that produce seeds, but the internal organization of the flower is very different in the two main groups of espermatofitas: living gymnosperms and angiosperms. Gymnosperms can have flowers that meet in strobili, or the same flower can be a estróbilo of fértiles.nota sheets 1 Instead, a typical angiosperm flower is composed of four types of structural sheets and physiologically modified to produce and protect gametes. Such antófilos are modified leaves or sepals, petals, stamens and carpelos.1 addition, angiosperms flower gives rise upon fertilization and transformation of some parts, to a fruit containing the semillas.2

The group of angiosperms, with more than 250,000 species, is evolutionarily successful lineage that makes up most of the existing terrestrial flora. Angiosperm flower is the defining character of the group and is probably a key factor in their evolutionary success. It is a complex structure, whose organizational plan is conserved in almost all members of the group, although it has a tremendous diversity in morphology and physiology of each and every one of the pieces that compose it. And adaptive genetic basis of such diversity is beginning to be understood in depth, 3 as well as its origin, dating from the Cretaceous, and its subsequent evolution in close interaction with the animals that are responsible for transporting gametes.

Irrespective of the above aspects, the flower is an important object for humans. Through history and different cultures, the flower has always had a place in human societies, either for their intrinsic beauty or their symbolism. In fact, we cultivate species that provide us flowers for more than 5,000 years ago and now that art has become an expanding industry: floriculture.


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