Princess Aurora Sleeping Beauty Applique

Princess Aurora Sleeping Beauty Applique

Sleeping Beauty

He born Princess Aurora, and each of the three fairies Flora, Fauna and Spring give you a gift. Flora gives the gift of beauty, Fauna gives you the gift of a melodious voice and when Spring will give his gift, the evil witch Maleficent appears and casts a spell to Aurora, the day he turns sixteen years before to do at night, the finger is pricked with the spindle of a spinning wheel and die, but Spring throws that his spell with his gift for a little break the spell of the evil witch Maleficent, so that Aurora will not die, but only sleep until it is awakened when you receive the first kiss of true love of Prince Philip.

The three fairies take her for sixteen years to a little house in the woods abandoned call the woodcutter's hut until he was sixteen to avoid the curse, and while in the woods the day of his sixteenth birthday morning is the Prince Felipe .

At the age of sixteen fairies take Aurora and returned to the castle of his father and his mother, King and Queen Flower Estéfano. There Maleficent is waiting for Aurora to be puncture, and the tallest tower finger pricked with the spindle of a spinning wheel created by Maleficent, just before it gets dark.

The three fairies make sleep the palace, and going to rescue the Prince Philip who has kidnapped Maleficent, and released.

Finally, Prince Felipe gives a kiss of true love for Aurora and Aurora wakes up. It all ends in a dance to celebrate Aurora has awakened and so Aurora and Philip begin a cute courtship and finally Flora and Spring discussed by the color of her dress between pink and blue while changing the color of her dress magically between clouds.

Enchanted Tales of Disney Princesses: Follow Your Dreams

In the beginning of the film, Princess Aurora presents itself. This is very important because little can be known about the personality of Princess Aurora in the film. After she asks a question, guide the viewer to his father, King Stefan and his mother, Queen Flower, they tell you that being a princess is difficult. Then, after his parents, King Hubert and Prince Philip leave, she has some work to do, like a princess. During the musical number "Keys to the Kingdom," he orders his servants to cook food, plant tulips, lilies, and orange trees, topiaries cut and paint trellises pink. She has been brought to the throne room where they can wait for your guests to come to the party. Later, the Duke awkward helps you sign the forms and comments from what you have found. There is a speech that King Huberto invitation forgotten. She immediately sent to the three good fairies and one three Spring, lends his magic wand and says you have to be specific with what you ask magic wand. When used to make a brown cows appear, one of them gives a head to Duke. Then he manages to sell cows for the producer who knows and the other farmers who wait too long. After Prince Philip, King Hubert, his father and his mother, King Stephanus and Queen Flower, and the good fairies return, all together attend a banquet and after enjoying it, even with a poultry falling on the table in front of the three kings, she talks about how she enjoyed their own obligations, grateful to see his story and says goodbye

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1 comentarios:

  1. muchas gracias todos sus bordados son increibless, mil gracias por las descargas
